The team members of PROGOUPE have attended first export forum held at the grounds of Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs in Bratislava on Wednesday June 21st. Organized under the auspices of SARIO, the meetings took form of B2B meetings.

According to the statistics from the event more than 530 meetings have been arranged attended by 62 economic diplomats from all over the world and 100 business persons.

We believe that the meetings were productive and they will bring many business opportunities.

Vážený obchodný partner,

Rastieme a preto ku dňu 08.03.2024 dochádza k zmene sídla našej spoločnosti a sťahujeme sa do vhodnejších priestorov.

Nové sídlo spoločnosti, fakturačná a korešpondenčná adresa:

PROGROUPE sediment removal a.s.
Vrábelská 6
821 09 Bratislava – mestská čast Ružinov

Na novej adrese nás nájdete od 02.04.2024, avšak oficiálna zmena sídla v Obchodnom registri SR bude platná už od 08.03.2024
