In the beginning of August the CEO of PROGROUPE, Mr. Marek Beres together with Managing Director, Mr. Robert Sabaka participated in a meeting organized by HYFLUX in Thailand. During this meeting, attended by representatives of the Faculty of Science and Engineering, Hyflux Ltd., Thai Neo Group Co and DHI Water & Environment P/L, PROGROUPE introduced its patented technology DESET and shared its experience gained in dredging and dewatering projects.

The second day of the visit, PROGROUPE and Kasetsart University proceeded to demonstration of sampling of sediments and flocculant application as a showcase for actual measurements for projection of water cleaning and sediment dewatering projects. The samples were then taken to the laboratories for further analyses and testing.

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PROGROUPE sediment removal a.s.
Vrábelská 6
821 09 Bratislava – mestská čast Ružinov

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