Flocculation test
The particle coagulation analysis in solution is conducted via the so-called flocculation test. What specifically can we evaluate with it? This analysis determines the amount and type of polymer needed to trigger the coagulation reaction. This reaction, or the so-called flocculation, forms floccules of fine solid particles in a suspension.
How does it work with sediments? The suspension in this case is a homogenous mixture of water and sediment, with the coarsest fraction already removed. Once we add a correct amount of carefully selected flocculant, even the smallest particles start to coagulate in floccules.This is important, as fine sediment particle separation in a centrifuge is challenging and requires high revolutions. Due to coagulation process, fine sediment particles forms bigger floccules and are easier to separate.
Fine sediments needs flocculants before separation. It increases their volume and the subsequent separation in a centrifuge is less challenging and energy consuming.