Two of PROGROUPE team members have attended and carried out a demo of one of our dredger machines – Amphi King AKXL last week (May 18th – 20th 2016) on Altmühlsee lake, Gunzenhausen, Germany.

The demo have been ordered by Wasserwirtschaftsamt Ansbach (The Water Management Office in Ansbach) and the dredging machine was presented under auspices of the Rent-a-Berky GmbH Company.

By means of the demo the Wasserwirtschaftsamt was trying to determine the best way of sediment removal from Altmühlsee lake in future project. Several methods of dredging have been tested in two marked areas with sediment in 10 – 60 cm thick layer, transporting the sediment into the lagoons.

Vážený obchodný partner,

Rastieme a preto ku dňu 08.03.2024 dochádza k zmene sídla našej spoločnosti a sťahujeme sa do vhodnejších priestorov.

Nové sídlo spoločnosti, fakturačná a korešpondenčná adresa:

PROGROUPE sediment removal a.s.
Vrábelská 6
821 09 Bratislava – mestská čast Ružinov

Na novej adrese nás nájdete od 02.04.2024, avšak oficiálna zmena sídla v Obchodnom registri SR bude platná už od 08.03.2024
