Project in Dolná Seč

In April 2021 a owner of a private pond with the surface area of 360 m2 in Dolná Seč municipality (Levice district) called us for a rescue.

The owner battled overgrowing common reed time and again in his pond. Common reed (Phragmites australis) grows 4 meters tall and belongs to the class of the tallest reeds in our territory. Reed is a cosmopolitan plant growing in wetlands and stagnant water or moderately running water areas. Reed blooms from July until October. Common reed has filtering properties in water and provides shelter for aquatic animals. In our client’s pond however, the reed grew beyond control, outgrew the pond and limited its usage and maintenance possibilities.

Due to the shallow water in the pond we used our smallest suction dredger DredgePrince LABOREC. With the help of specialized attachments we have not only mowed the reeds but also pulled out the roots from the bottom of the pond. This slowed down the growth of the reed and prevented relapse. We collected the pulled roots and mowed parts of the reed and gathered it at the waterside where the client handled it himself. Finishing up we also dredged the excess sediment that lowered the water quality. Our operators have been busy bees for full 5 days but the result was worth the effort.

Happy client and clean pond – that is our mission!