Veľké Kozmálovce – Geobag
Implementation: 2018
Project duration: 5 working days
Volume of sediment in situ: 25 m³
Pumped hydro mixture: 95 m³
Sediment: 50% inorganic, 50% organic sediment, lots of branches and waste
The Veľké Kozmálovce water structure is located on the lower part of the Hron River. The main purpose of the water reservoir is to ensure sufficient usable water for the Mochovce nuclear power plant. It is also used for irrigation needs in agriculture, industry and for recreation. A small hydroelectric power plant is built on the edge of the water reservoir.
In 2018, in preparation for the 30th anniversary celebrations of the reservoir, we removed a small amount of sediment and removed washed-up waste. Two operators excavated the sediment with a DredgePrince LABOREC suction dredger and, together with the operator of the flocculation station, filled a geobag with a volume of 18 m3 in a single day. To fully fill the capacity of the geobag, 3 refills were required, with breaks for filtration. After unloading the sediment, we replaced the pump with forks. For the next 4 days, we pulled washed-up waste to the shore at the inlet to the Mochovce nuclear power plant pumping station. We unloaded plastic bottles, pieces of furniture, clothes, as well as large pieces of driftwood on the roadside. From there, our customer removed the material with the help of a walking excavator, and trucks took the waste away for disposal.
On this project, we verified the quality of the DredgePrince LABOREC suction dredger, as well as the operator, who was able to handle substantial and large pieces of waste with such a small machine. At the same time, the project meant for us the opportunity to show a piece of our work to water managers from the surrounding countries, who visited the celebrations of the 30th anniversary of the launch of the Veľké Kozmálovce water structure.